Wednesday, May 7, 2008

1982 #2

In this section of the book Winston meets Julia. Julia is the dark haired girl that he has dreamt of. Winston is happy to find out that Julia has had sex with many people because the men were Party members, which means that he is not the only one participating in an unacceptable act. “Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act” (126). Winston wants to know that there are corrupt people and perhaps the Party itself is corrupt. After meeting in the clearing Julia and Winston set up their rendezvous in the poorer quarters where there is an open market; a crowded and safe place to meet in order to avoid anyone from watching them. Syme vanishes in this section of the book. “But Syme was not only dead, he was abolished, an unperson” (157). Winston is afraid of anyone finding out about Julia, being caught and killed.

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