Sunday, June 1, 2008

Do Graduates Understand Citizenship?

I agree on many points Diane Cameron makes in her article. It seems as time goes on kids begin to take on more and more responsibilities in high school. Members of several organizations, advanced classes and holding a job to put gas in the tank that gets us around everywhere keeps students very busy. Not only is our society becoming too busy to watch the news, vote and participate but we are trying to take on too much in order to reach a successful position. It almost takes TOO much in order to reach a comfortable level. Everyone is reaching for top positions, high saleries and luxurious cars and homes. We are beginning to lose a sense of our countries foundation and the importance of participating in the society we live in. If only we could slow down and relax every once in awhile without feeling like we aren't keeping up with everyone else and their fast paced lifestyle; people would experience a greater appreciation of life and there would also be less speeding tickets to pay off.

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